24-Hr Non-Emergency: 856-769-3508
Main Office: 856-935-7510 x8333
Tip Line: 856-935-2847
Tip Line
Crime Victims Bill of Rights
- To be treated with dignity and compassion by the criminal justice system.
- To be informed about the criminal justice system.
- To be free from intimidation.
- To have inconveniences associated with participation in the criminal justice process minimized.
- To make at least one telephone call which is reasonable in both length and location called.
- To medical assistance, if it appears necessary.
- To be notified if presence in court is not needed.
- To be informed about available remedies, financial assistance and social services;
- To be compensated for losses when possible.
- To be provided a secure waiting area during court proceedings.
- To be advised of case progress and final disposition.
- To the prompt return of property when no longer needed.
- To submit a written statement about the crime to a representative of the prosecutor’s office prior to the prosecutor’s final decision regarding the filing of a formal criminal charge
- To address the Judge at sentencing concerning the impact of the crime.
- To be notified of parole eligibility and release.