Salem county rescue

From February through June, the Salem County RESCUE (Recovery, Encouragement, Support, Community, Understanding, and Empowerment) Teams have been proactively combating the Opioid/Addiction Epidemic.   

To date, RESCUE Teams have completed well over 50 RESCUE efforts, throughout Salem County.  The RESCUE Teams are multi-disciplinary teams, comprised of at least one EMT, at least one Recovery Coach and Law Enforcement Officers.    

RESCUE Teams have been knit together with the support of the Salem County Prosecutor’s Office, the Salem County Sheriff’s Office, the Southwest Council, Inc., the Salem County Department of Health and Human Services, the Salem County EMS Academy, the Carneys Point Police Department, the Pennsville Police Department, the Penns Grove Police Department, the Salem City Police Department and the Woodstown Police Department.  Through a much greatly appreciated partnership with Cowtown, a RESCUE team had their very own booth in the first barn, every Saturday, from February through May. 

RESCUE team members have been able to contact and have provided demonstrations on how to deploy Narcan, to over two thousand community members from February through June.   Through the efforts to date, individuals have registered for more extensive Narcan Training, which also provided them with Free Narcan Kits.  As a result of the efforts to date, RESCUE teams have been able to place community members into treatment and have been able to distribute over three thousand Resource Brochures.    

Please check the Salem County Prosecutor’s Office Facebook Page or call the Salem County Prosecutor’s Office or email , to know where the RESCUE Team will be next.  RESCUE welcomes any suggestions as to locations on where the Roving Team can visit.   We are mobile so we can set up in parking lots of sporting events (baseball games, softball games, soccer complexes), apartment complexes, community centers, community meetings, neighborhoods, etc.  

RESCUE cannot be a success without all of the team members, partnerships and our community members.  We welcome all new partnerships with our RESCUE Team, to continue to improve and expand the ways we can help our Salem County friends, neighbors and family members.