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Domestic Violence

Domestic violence can affect anyone, regardless of income, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity or religion. One in four women will experience domestic violence in her lifetime. NJ Domestic violence is a serious crime which impacts both men and women. Each year, people from every social and economic background are assaulted, harassed, and threatened by their spouses or cohabitants. If you are a victim of domestic violence in New Jersey, it is important to know that you are not alone

Domestic violence affects not only the direct victim, but also those who witness it. Children are particularly vulnerable. They are more likely to have problems with anxiety, self-esteem, depression, anger and forming healthy relationships.

A domestic violence victim might feel hopeless, desperate, confused and alone. The person may not want to tell others about the situation due to feelings of fear, shame or embarrassment. Victims of domestic violence, you are not alone, and help is available for you and your children.

How Can a Person In a Violent Or Abuse Relationship Stay Safe?

For some survivors of domestic violence, developing a plan ahead of time has been helpful in preparing for another violent episode or for times when they feel emotionally overwhelmed. A plan may be helpful when it is hard to think clearly in the middle of a crisis. Each survivor’s situation is unique, so every plan is different. For Salem County Domestic Violence victims, there are various options a victim can take to remain safe:

Obtaining a Restraining Order: Temporary New Jersey Restraining Order

The objective of a Temporary Restraining Order is to eliminate any physical contact between you and your abuser. An NJ Temporary Restraining Order can include a number of items such as:

  • An order requiring the person who committed the domestic violence to stay away from a person, home, workplace, school, or other location
  • An order to maintain a certain distance from the person who is being protected
  • An order not to call or otherwise contact the protected person (by e-mail, text, and/or mail for instance) at home, work, and/or another location
  • An order requiring no contact with other relevant and interested persons
  • A temporary visitation schedule to see the children with designated locations for pickups and drop offs
  • An order for temporary support until the matter is formally addressed in the divorce or non-dissolution division of the courts

Obtaining a Temporary NJ Restraining Order—What You Need To Know

If you are a victim of domestic violence in New Jersey, you can obtain a Temporary Restraining Order against your abuser at either the Family Division of your county Superior Court or at your local police station.

NJ Temporary Restraining Order at the Courthouse : Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

NJ Temporary Restraining Order at the Police Station : Monday-Friday 4:00 p.m. – 8:30 a.m. and on weekends

When the judge grants your Temporary Restraining Order, the police officers have the authority to remove the abuser from your home, in order to protect you from further abuse. Even if the Municipal Court Judge denies your after hour’s request (through the police) for a Temporary Restraining Order, you may still reapply during normal business hours at the Superior Courthouse.

The Final New Jersey Restraining Order

You and your abuser will be ordered to appear at a final restraining order hearing—approximately 10 days after receiving the Temporary Restraining Order. During this hearing, you and your abuser will both need to appear at court and testify under oath. Many victims of NJ domestic violence have tremendous difficulty coming face to face with their abuser—especially after obtaining a Temporary Restraining Order. As such, victim’s have the right to contact an experienced NJ Divorce Lawyer to present the case and ensure that a final restraining order is granted.

Salem County Women’s Services

This service is the counties safe haven for domestic violence victims. It offers shelter for victims who are in fear of their life and need to get away from their abuser. For further information, please call (856) 935-6655.