24-Hr Non-Emergency: 856-769-3508
Main Office: 856-935-7510 x8333
Tip Line: 856-935-2847

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Program Objective

To provide all victims of sexual assault with a sexual assault medical forensic examination and treatment in a timely, compassionate and respectful manner consistent with the Attorney General Standards for Providing Services to Victims of Sexual Assault.

Benefits of the Program

  • Uniform treatment of sexual assault victims
  • Promote safe environment
  • Facilitate healing
  • Timely collection of high quality forensic evidence
  • Have immediate support system
  • Confidentiality and autonomy respected

Every Victim of Sex Assault will have access to:

  • Sexual assault medical forensic exam
  • Rape care advocacy
  • Law enforcement

Every victim of sexual assault will have the benefit of a discharge plan that addresses personal safety, medical follow-up and emotional needs.  Victims of sexual assault will also be afforded the opportunity to evaluate the services provided.

Salem County Rape Crisis Services

Salem County Women’s Services
PO Box 125
Salem, NJ 08079
Office: (856) 935-8012
24 Hour Emergency Hotline: (856) 935-6655
(856) 935-6165
(856) 935-7118

Salem County Women’s Services (SCWS) is here to help. They want to help you or someone you know through this difficult time. All of the following services are free, confidential and available.

Sexual Assault Program

The primary goals of the Sexual Assault Program are to educate the public about rape and its consequences, provide emotional support and guidance needed by victims of sexual assault and their significant others, and change attitudes so that communities refuse to tolerate rape.

SCWS can provide the following:

  • accompaniment to hospitals and police
  • individual counseling
  • support groups
  • educational materials
  • information and referrals

The Sexual Assault Program is sponsored by SCWS, a non-profit organization serving the needs of women and their families since 1987. The Sexual Assault Program is funded by the NJ Department of Community Affairs, United Way of Salem County and donations.

Domestic Violence Program

In addition to the Sexual Assault Program, SCWS offers a Domestic Violence Program for victims and their children and an Alternatives to Violence Program for batterers. The primary goals of the Domestic Violence Program are to educate the public about family violence and its consequences, provide emotional support and guidance needed by victims, and work to change attitudes so that communities do not tolerate emotional and physical abuse in the home.

SCWS can provide the following:

  • emergency shelter
  • individual counseling
  • support groups
  • legal referrals and court preparation
  • parent skills training
  • educational materials
  • networking/information and referral
  • Alternatives to Violence Group for batterers

Alternatives to Violence

SCWS offers an educational support program called Alternatives to Violence for anyone who has difficulty controlling their temper or violent behavior. Alternatives to Violence can provide support, understanding and alternative techniques to people who have violent tendencies.

Alternatives to Violence is a program held in a group setting with other people experiencing similar problems. This program helps people how to control their anger and make positive changes in their lives. Batterers deserve help, just like their victims.

SCWS services are confidential and available for a small fee. SCWS can help you understand the following:

  • what is abuse
  • why people abuse
  • how to identify anger “cues”
  • how to vent anger without violence
  • how to communicate openly
  • how to develop cooperative, loving relationships

The primary goals of the Alternatives to Violence Program are to educate the public about abuse and its consequences, provide emotional support and guidance needed by batterers and the victims of their abuse, and change attitudes to that communities refuse to tolerate abuse.

Attorney General’s Standards

The New Jersey SART/SANE (Sexual Assault Response Team/Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner) program has made a positive impact on the services provided to victims of sexual assault. The SART/SANE concept is based on a “team” approach, and one of its chief objectives is to ensure that every victim of sexual assault has access to quality health care treatment in a timely fashion.  Under SART/SANE, the victims of sexual assault are provided thorough care in well equipped, specialized facilities. The Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners work collaboratively with police officers and rape care advocates to provide the best services available.  In accordance with the Attorney General’s Directive, this SART/SANE activation occurs when the following criteria are met:

  • The victim must be 13 years of age or older;
  • The incident must have occurred within five days of disclosure; and,
  • The victim must consent to the activation of SART

Victims not electing to be examined by a SANE receive quality health care in Salem County by the emergency room staff at either Salem Memorial Hospital or South Jersey Healthcare Elmer Hospital.

Further Reading

Other Resources

US Department of Justice, Office for Victims of Crime
Sexual Assault Resource Service

National District Attorney’s Association
National Center for the Prosecution of Violence Against Women

New Jersey Attorney General’s
Office of Victim-Witness Advocacy
SART / SANE Program