24-Hr Non-Emergency: 856-769-3508
Main Office: 856-935-7510 x8333
Tip Line: 856-935-2847

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Victim / Witness Services

The impact of crime is far reaching. It affects the victims, witnesses, their families, neighborhoods and sometimes even whole communities.

The Office of Victim-Witness Advocacy, within the Salem County Prosecutor’s Office, was established to ensure that the rights of the crime victims are protected and that the criminal justice system treats crime victims and witnesses with fairness, understanding, dignity, and respect.

The Salem County Prosecutor’s Office of Victim-Witness Advocacy, through its dedicated staff, provides victims with information about the criminal justice process, their rights as victims and other support services. These services are available to help victims cope with the trauma and the aftermath of the victimization and to lessen the inconveniences often associated with participation in the criminal justice process. Your cooperation throughout the criminal justice process is essential to the successful prosecution of criminal cases and is sincerely appreciated.

Victim Witness Services

  • Provide information about the criminal justice system.
  • Supply information regarding the specific case status in which you are involved in.
  • Crisis Intervention.
  • Assistance with property return.
  • Referrals to various counseling services.
  • Assistance in applying for compensation through the Victims of Crime Compensation Office.
  • Assistance with Victim-Impact Statements.
  • Restitution information.
  • Courtroom orientation and accompaniment.
  • Information on parole input.
  • HIV testing of offender.

For further assistance and information, call:

Victim / Witness Coordinator
Sharmin Harvey
856-935-7510 x8364


New Jersey Statewide VINE Service Number : (877) 846-3465
TTY: (866) 847-1298

VINE ( Victim Information Notification Everyday) is New Jersey’s automated victim notification service that provides a 24-hour hotline and website for victims of crime, their families and others who are concerned about the custody status and expected releases dates of offenders in county jails, the New Jersey Department of Corrections and the Department of Corrections Parole Actions.

To access this information, please go to www.vinelink.com.
You may register through this website or by calling 1-877-VINE-4NJ (1-877-846-3465).

TTY services for the hearing impaired call: 1-866-847-1298.

VINE is a free service offered by the State of New Jersey and the Office of the Attorney General

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