24-Hr Non-Emergency: 856-769-3508
Main Office: 856-935-7510 x8333
Tip Line: 856-935-2847
Salem County Prosecutor
Salem County, New Jersey
Message from the Prosecutor
Welcome to the Salem County Prosecutor’s Office. Please browse our site for useful information on safety, law enforcement, victim assistance and related community events and resources throughout Salem County. Serving each of the 15 municipalities in Salem County, our office remains committed to fairness, justice and the highest levels of professionalism and integrity in the enforcement and administration of our criminal laws. We regularly partner with local, regional, state and national community resources and law enforcement to ensure the most advanced and comprehensive investigative and prosecution techniques available. Each of us at the Salem County Prosecutor’s Office is honored to have this opportunity to partner with and serve our community.
– Kristin J. Telsey, Salem County Prosecutor
Mission Statement
As the constitutionally established, chief law enforcement officer of the county, the Salem County Prosecutor provides leadership and supervision over the chiefs of police and municipal prosecutors with a view to ensure effective, efficient and uniform enforcement of the criminal laws and administration of criminal justice throughout the county.
We’re committed to improving the relations between law enforcement and the public, protecting the rights of victims and ultimately improving the public safety in Salem County to make it better place to live, work and raise a family.
Executive Staff
Salem County Prosecutor – Kristin J. Telsey
First Assistant Prosecutor – Jonathan Flynn
Executive Assistant Prosecutor – Jeffrey Barile
Office Manager – Ginny Fitton
Chief of County Detectives – James H. Gillespie IV
The Jurisdictions of Salem County
Click on the map to view the information.
Get to Know Your Local Police Department

Oldmans Township
NJ State Police
Woodstown Station
Pilesgrove Township
NJ State Police
Woodstown Station
Woodstown Police Dept.
PO Box 286, 25 West Ave.
Woodstown, NJ 08098
Officer in Charge (OIC)
Chief Ryan DeFalco
Business: 856-769-1330
Dispatch: 856-769-2121
NJ State Police
Woodstown Station
NJ State Police
Woodstown Station
NJ State Police
Woodstown Station
Salem City
Salem Police Department
129 West Broadway, Salem NJ
Officer In Charge (OIC)
Chief John A. Pelura III
In ANY emergency, dial 911
Non-emergency: 856-935-0057
Records: 856-935 -2088
Pennsville Police Department
90 North Broadway
Pennsville, NJ
Officer In Charge (OIC)
Chief Patrick Spillman
In case of Emergency: 911
Main: 856-678-3089
Non-emergency: 856-678-7777
Lower Alloways Creek
Lower Alloways Creek Police Department
501 Locust Island Road
Hancocks Bridge, NJ 08038
Officer In Charge (OIC)
Chief Richard Venable, Jr.
In case of Emergency: 911
Main: 856-935-7301
After Hours: (856)935-7300
Lower Alloways Creek Police Department
501 Locust Island Road
Hancocks Bridge, NJ 08038
Officer In Charge (OIC)
Chief Richard Venable, Jr.
In case of Emergency: 911
Main: 856-935-7301
After Hours: (856)935-7300
Carneys Point
Carneys Point Police Dept
303 Harding Highway
Carneys Point, NJ
Officer In Charge (OIC)
Chief Dale VanNamee
In case of Emergency: 911
Non Emergency: 856-299-1034
Dispatcher: 856-299-1212
Penns Grove
Penns Grove Police Dept
1 State Street
Penns Grove, NJ 08069
Officer in Charge (OIC)
Lt. Robert Frett
In case of Emergency: 911
Main: 856-299-0055
Non-emergency: 856-299-0056
Elmer Police Department
Elmer Borough Hall
2nd Floor
120 S. Main Street
Elmer NJ
Officer In Charge (OIC)
Chief Tim Woods
In case of Emergency: 911
Main: 856-358-3355
Administration: 856-358-0353
NJ State Police
Bridgeton Station
Upper Pittsgrove
NJ State Police
Woodstown Station

Latest News
Salem County Residents in Recovery – Mic, Mingle & Munch
Recording Saturday September 7, 2024 from 6-8:30pm. Please view post for details.
DEA National RX Take Back Day
Saturday, October 28, 2023 from 10AM – 2PM. Properly dispose of unwanted or expired prescription medications.
Save The Date: Coalition For a Safe Community
Join us on October 26, 2023 at 12:00 Noon for a special webinar on overview of NJ’s opioid-related data.
Judiciary Opportunities for Building Success (JOBS) Program Career and Resource Fair
Tuesday, Oct. 17, 2023, at the Salem Family Success Center. Please view post for registration and more information.
Warrant Recall & Expungement Event
July 20, 2023 from 10:00 A.M. – 2:00 P.M. At the Southwest Council Building. Please view post for more details.
Interested in becoming a Sexual Assault Forensic Nurse Examiner?
Please view post for details on how to be come a Sexual Assault Forensic Nurse Examiner.