24-Hr Non-Emergency: 856-769-3508
Main Office: 856-935-7510 x8333
Tip Line: 856-935-2847
Excellence in Policing – We are Listening
The policy revisions announced by Attorney General Grewal on December 21, 2020 are the latest step in New Jersey’s best-in-class police practices, as part of our broader Excellence in Policing Initiative and our commitment to affirmatively impact culture. New Jersey’s plan involves three components – policy, training, and monitoring – that together, make our statewide effort unprecedented. Attorney General Directive 2020-13, the Use of Force Policy, applies to all 38,000 of New Jersey’s law enforcement officers, and governs when and how officers may use force, to avoid unnecessary use of force.
Detailed information can be found at the following link: https://www.njoag.gov/force/.
The Office of Attorney General is requesting that each County Prosecutor’s Office invite their community members to share their opinions of the revision process and the resulting revisions.
The Salem County Prosecutor’s Office, is asking our community members to complete the below survey, based upon their review of the detailed information found at the link: https://www.njoag.gov/force/.
Thank you for your time in completing this survey.